Jax here! Oh, Valentines Day! The day to celebrate your love…whoever you are and whatever your situation. I’m wearing my Candy Hearts Classy Collar…..perfectly dressed for when the children come home from school. Here they are now. Each is carrying a shoebox that has been covered in red wrapping paper and decorated with hearts etc…They carefully empty the boxes onto the dining room table to check out their goodies. Girl puts “girl” valentines in one pile and “boy” valentines in another. Then each “boy” valentine is read with great interest to see if there is any hidden meaning. Then all candy is removed and the valentines go in the trash. Boy has no patience for girl/boy piles. All the candy is removed and the valentines go in the trash. Little Girl reads every valentine and then removes the candy. She picks out the prettiest 3 from her pile and tapes them on the door of her room. She tells me it’s to remind her that she has BFFs at school who love her. I told her that she doesn’t need anyone else to love her but me. Then I jumped on her and licked her until she cried tears of laughter.…….Peace out Pups.
Jax here! I was snoozing by the fireplace last night. The children were quietly playing a board game next to me. School had been cancelled because of the snow falling all day. My sleep was disrupted by a small annoying sound…..mew….mew…mew. I choose to ignore it and return to my dream of chasing rabbits through the backyard in the summertime. I was hoping everyone else would ignore it too, but that was wishful thinking. Boy popped up and ran to the slider that leads to the deck. He carefully parts the drapes and to my great dismay…..there sits a little black kitten. Now I will admit, said kitten looks pitiful with snow piling up around her and she is quite tiny to be out in a snowstorm, but this is MY house and there are no other animals permitted! They may visit…..Owner may dogsit…..but then they GO HOME! After Kitten has been dried, fed, and fussed over, I hear the words I’ve been dreading………”Mom…..can we keep her PLEASE!”. Owner simply cannot resist her 3 children looking up at her with big eyes and even bigger smiles………..So, we have a cat now. I’m not happy about this at all. I will write again soon. Kitten’s disposition and impact on my family bears further scrutiny…….Peace out Pups. Jax here! Boy looks suspicious. He’s holding his hand behind his back. “Jax, look what I have for you!” Slowly the hand comes out with a bone! For me? Oh Joy! Thank You Boy, Thank You!....wait….you want me to do what? “I want you to walk on your hind legs” really? Okay whatever, one step closer to the bone “Now I want you to chase your tail” Come on Boy, I’m a DOG not a ……oh yeah……I can chase my tail. “Next…balance this stick on your nose” okay……. this is just embarrassing. Girl happens to walk by and hoping to get her to intervene, I give her my most special pouty dog eyes. She pick up quickly and yells across the house “Mom…..your son is making Jax jump thru hoops for a bone”. Boy’s eyes brighten and he quickly shouts “Thats it! Jump thru a hoop!” *sigh* I really have to jump thru a hoop? (thanks Girl. With friends like you.......) okay…..pop thru the hoop. Owner appears in the hallway. “Give your dog the bone and stop agitating her!” Whew! Thanks Owner. Owner and Boy have a special relationship. He fears her.…..Peace out Pups! Can you guess where I am? I’m wearing what I consider to be one of the most beautiful collars my owner makes. The Southwest collar has the most lovely vibrant colors in it. This is the PERFECT place to wear it. I’ll give you some hints. · It is 277 miles in length. · At its widest point, it stretches 18 miles across. · At its narrowest point it stretches 4 miles across. · It is about 6000 feet deep. · The Colorado River runs through it….eroding its steep sides for millions of years. · The rock found at the bottom of it is 2 billion years old. You know it…..it’s the Grand Canyon. I think I’ll go for a little hike. Many people get lost in the canyon every year, so I must remember to bring all my supplies including lots of water. I pass so many interesting things on the way dawn, people riding on mules, small animals like rattlesnakes and scorpions (from which I will keep a safe distance), and large animals list bighorn sheep and mountain lions are so interesting to watch. At the bottom there are campgrounds, resting areas and even the indian village of Surpai. It’s occupants (the Havasupi Indians) and lived in the canyon for the past 800 years! This is great – so refreshing as I lap water from the Colorado river. ……. Then I hear in the distance…….”Jax, time for supper”. I trot out of Little Girl’s closet and down the stairs for supper. This is very fortunate. Thanks goodness this was a trip thru the closet. I really wasn’t looking forward to hiking all the way back up to the South Rim. ……..Peace out, Pups! Today I decided to take a Yoga class with Owner. From what I understand there are many different kinds of Yoga and this one is called Restorative Yoga. This sounds terriffic. Just what I need. ’m instructed to imagine a bowl next to me and place all “negative” thoughts in it. The first thing that goes in is the time I got lost when I was a puppy. Little Girl was a wreck and so was I……in the bowl. And then there was the time I was playing in the mud puddle and tracked mud all through the house. Owner was none too happy with me that day!.....in the bowl. Ahhh…yes…the time Boy and Girl were throwing the ball to me and I ran face first into the fence, not a good day…..in the bowl.The instructor says we should really be “reaching” for those negative thoughts. Good Lord, the bowl is almost filled! I think I need another one. Oh yes….just yesterday I nearly died of embarrassment when I learned I’m not supposed to fetch the baseball, I just have to let other people play with it……in the bowl, and then there is the infamous raccoon attack of ’12. I think that’s best left for another day. Now my mind is clear and focused to Yoga. Wow, what Instructor is doing looks really hard. Maybe I’ll just take a nap instead……………Peace out Pups!! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! I just LOVE being a dog! Today was the Pet Expo at the convention center. There was so much to see. I’m so happy they let well-behaved dogs (which I always am), to attend with their owners. When we arrived, Boy and Little Girl ran off to the reptile farm and Girl took me over to see a real live tiger! Despite a tiger being part of the cat family, they clearly deserve my respect. This was a white tiger. He looked so peaceful sleeping there, but there was no mistaking the raw power that lay under his exterior. After that we went over to the petting zoo where there were some animals I have seen before. A turkey, chickens, rabbits and even a small deer. Normally if I were in the backyard, all these creature would get a sound barking, but I know not to do so here. Then there was a competition for dogs to catch a disc, chase a lure, and run an obstacle course. This was the most fun because I got to try it. Owner showed me what to do and off I went. Wait…..what? I have to jump and catch it in the air? That’s not happening……onto the next thing…..you want me to chase this lure and then I don’t even get to eat it when I’m done?…..next….run all over the place, up and down, thru the tunnel, over the bridge….why? so I can say I did it…..I don’t think so. Here we go…..something I can really sink my teeth into……..FOOD! Little Girl feeds me bits of a hot dog under the table. Boy spoils it……“MOM! JAX IS EATING MY HOT DOG”. All in all a great day with the family. Peace out Pups! Another cold day in Southeastern Pennsylvania! That being said, nothing can hold down my enthusiasm. Girl and I will go to the TV studio today and make a commercial. I’m not allowed to discuss the particulars due to ongoing contract negotiations, so all I can tell you is that the product name rhymes with “hapstick”. We are supposed to go thru the cold, wind, heat and rain, all the while the product doing it’s job to keep our lips smooth and supple. This is great! Girl is in the chair with people putting stuff on her face while I accept attention from multitudes of people. After waiting and waiting, it’s finally our turn. I can tell Girl is a little nervous, but she is so beautiful, that the camera just loves her. The man up front yells “Action” and we run thru our paces. 1 take and it’s all done. Then there is lots of waiting again and finally we are allowed to leave for the day. We may have to comeback tomorrow for……. Then I hear in the distance…….”Jax, time for supper”. I trot out of Little Girl’s closet and down the stairs for supper. What a day! I’m exhausted. Those trips thru the closet really take it out of me. Peace out, Pups!! Owner and Owner’s Husband are going out for dinner. There is rumor of babysitters coming. We can hardly contain our excitement. The very special babysitters are none other than…….Grandmother and Grandfather! Oh, the joy they bring into the house. There will be backgammon tournaments, billiard games, stories told, and last but not least……… treats for me! Grandfather’s favorite trick is to take a biscuit and balance it on my nose. Then come the words every dog waits to hear……Ok, get it! The children will beg to try it. Then the game will turn to “See what we can balance on Jax’s nose”. I’m a very good at this game. I get cupcakes, apples, cookies, beef jerky, marshmallows, and occasionally, the ever sought-after, raw meat cube. Grandmother does not approve of sweets for dogs, but she does give me lots of love. Once in awhile, she even brings me a new collar. Oh, how I love Grandmother and Grandfather. After the children go to bed, I’m allowed to stay up and wait for Owner. I rest my head on Grandmother’s knee and she knows the perfect spot to scratch. It’s a dog’s life, indeed. Jax here!! Tomorrow is the start of the new year 2014. Girl says I should have a resolution. Her resolution is that she will try to be nicer to her brother this year. I’m betting this will last approximately 30 seconds until all hell breaks loose and she has him in a headlock on the kitchen floor. Boy, in turn, vows to be nicer to Little Girl. This also will last 30 seconds until he decides it’s time to redecorate her dollhouse with silly string. Little Girl is just so sweet, She says that in 2014 she will feed me more biscuits and scratch me behind the ears more. I just love her so much! Since I am already awesome, I think I will concentrate more on things I want to accomplish this year. I would like to travel a little, take up ballroom dancing and find a new friend. I’m relatively sure these can be accomplished within the year and come next Monday, I will start in earnest. Wish me luck, and Happy New Year, everyone! I was sleeping in Little Girl’s room. The clock read 6:30am. She was up and ready, however, Owner had instructed her to stay in her room until 7:00am. This seemed to be some sort of mental trauma for Little Girl. She was very anxious to go down to the green tree. She passed the time by telling me what was going to happen today. First they would open presents, then have breakfast, then off to her Aunt's house. She was exceedingly sorry that I would have to stay home, but it’s ok with me. Finally the clock struck 7:00am. They were out of their rooms like racehorses. It’s the fastest I’ve ever seen them move, actually. So much excitement, wrapping paper flying around, squeals of laughter and happiness. Wow this IS a great day. It’s everything Little Girl said it would be. After breakfast, Girl looked under the tree one last time. “Mom, there is another present under here in the back”. She pulled it out and much to my surprise, she held it out for me to inspect. “It’s for you, Jax!” What? A present for me? Like this family doesn’t give me enough love already? I carefully tore the paper to reveal, not 1 but 3 new Classy Collars. Oh, Joy! Owner is so good to me!! That night was another perfect night with my family. I was all decked out in my new Classy Collar and feeling as loved as a dog could be. Merry Christmas all!! |
AuthorI'm a 6 year old German Shepherd ! Archives
December 2016